Post a Classified Ad - Clinic and Equipment

MTAM Classified Advertisements are provided at no charge. They are a dedicated section for MTAM Members and others in the health care community to view listings. Classifieds can include private sale of Massage Therapy-related used equipment, clinic space rental or leases, and sales of a Massage Therapy practice.

There is no choice in background, font colour, size or style. Photographs, logos and diagrams can not be included.
  • Every Classified Advertisement will require approval before being listed.
  • Classified Advertisements are limited to text only and 1000 characters.
  • Classifieds will stay listed for 3 months or an end date as you select, whichever is sooner.
To post a job opportunity, click here.

A brief description of what you're offering.

If no end date is specified, the ad will expire three months after submission.

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