
Ad space is now available in the monthly MTAM InTouch newsletter and the quarterly Student Newsletter.

Business Ads: Advertising for products and services. Provide a ready-to-post pdf with your ad details and an appropriate sized graphic or logo. See below for ad sizing and pricing.

Job or Practicum Posts: Provide a ready to post pdf with the job details and contact information along with your graphic or logo. See below for ad sizing and pricing.

All graphics/clinic logos should be sent as a high-resolution jpg or png. Low quality images will appear pixelated or blurry.

Please ensure your ad text and clinic logo are copy-ready. They will not be edited for spelling or grammar errors or to improve the clarity of the logo.

Ad space is limited and is assigned on a first come, first served basis. Contact the office for availability and newsletter content deadlines.

Email your ad and graphics to the MTAM office.

Ad Rates:

300 pixels wide x 200 pixels high (shown above)

  • MTAM members – FREE
  • Non-Members – $75 +GST

800 pixels wide  x 200 pixels high

  • MTAM Members – starting at $75 +GST (based on location in the newsletter)
  • Non-members – starting at $150 +GST (based on location in the newsletter)
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