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Tips for recruiting and retaining RMTs in your clinic. Social media posts, classified ads, crossing your fingers and hoping for the best? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything and still can’t fill those vacancies in your clinic? You are not alone. Many clinics and indeed, many other industries and professions are experiencing the exact same challenges in attracting and retaining qualified workers. With more folks exiting the workforce than coming in this is a challenge that will remain for some time. So how can clinics create strategies to increase their chances of filling clinic vacancies? Brenda Romas of Romas HR Consulting offers several great tips on how to recruit and retain RMTs in this challenging employment market.
  1. Understanding Your Workplace.
    Be clear with your brand and know what information prospective contractors/employees will learn about your business from websites, social media or a google search. Having a good understanding of how your clinic is viewed will help you promote a positive impression of your clinic and help you to address any potential concerns.
  2. Attracting Talent First, you want to do what you can to keep the good workers you already have. Have conversations with them to find out why they love working with you and if they would they refer other people to work at your clinic. To keep current staff and to help find new workers, assess whether the compensation you’re offering is fair and determine what other monetary or non-financial perks you can provide that will appeal to RMTs. The work environment is often equally important to the financial compensation. Many RMTs value flexible work options, the feeling that they are an appreciated part of the clinic team, and better work/life balance. There is no one-size-fits-all contract or employment agreement. Be prepared to modify things to attract the workers who will best fit your clinic culture.
  3. Retaining Talent A great onboarding and orientation process are essential to help new hires understand the clinic culture and workplace expectations. Formally welcoming folks to the team, providing training in any clinic specific processes, and checking in to see how their first few days have been, are just a few examples of onboarding and orientation steps you should consider implementing. Ongoing one-on-one feedback, team meetings, and performance reviews help your RMTs feel like they are a valued part of the business and contributing to the team.
  4. The Value of Communication Effective communication helps create a healthy working environment. It allows you to resolve conflict quickly before an issue can escalate to something unmanageable and helps ensure your team members feel heard and part of the big picture.
MTAM has a variety of resources in the Member Portal for helping members manage
their clinics. Some examples are: While we can't do anything to physically create more people to fill empty job positions, we hope that these tips can help you highlight your clinic's assets and opportunities to so that potential new hires take notice.
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